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Cosmic vibration of the sun and quasar 3C 273
Authors:V. A. Kotov
Affiliation:1.Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,Nauchnyi, Crimea,Ukraine
The hypothesis that some extragalactic objects pulsate with a period of P 0 = 9600.606(12) s, which was first discovered in the Sun, is tested with data on quasar 3C 273. Observations of its rapid photometric variability were made by different observers in 1968–2005 within several spectral bands. At the 4σ confidence level, these data show that there is a period of 9600.624(18) s, which is consistent, within the error limits, with P 0 (mean harmonic amplitude 0.006 B magnitude). Its independence from the redshift z is a sign of a cosmological origin of the P 0 pulsation, which is sometimes understood as the “rhythm” of cosmos’ absolute time. This phenomenon is also shown to be deeply connected—via the Sanchez formula—to the fundamental constants of physics and cosmology. This refutes the standard Big Bang hypothesis and confirms the Steady State, c-free model of the Universe (c is the speed of light).
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