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真鲷(Pagrosomus major)肠上皮组织中类立克 次体的超微形态与细胞病理学的初步研究
摘    要:
运用电镜技术对青岛地区患病真鲷进行了病原体检测,在肠上 皮组织细胞中发现一种类立克次体病原体。研究表明,该病原体具有完整的细胞包膜, 内部 具有低电子密度拟核,在胞浆中以两种类型存在-繁殖型和静止型;繁殖型类立克次体呈圆 形、椭圆、哑铃、长棒状,其长轴为0.2~0.8μm,形成包涵体,以分裂方式进行增殖;静止 型类立克次体为圆形,中等电子密度,直径为40~70nm,由繁殖型类立克次体出芽增殖形成 ;线粒体参与了包涵体的形成和类立克次体的增殖过程。细胞病理变化为上皮细胞肿胀并部 分解体,微绒毛破坏,线粒体变形,部分内嵴溶解;内质网膨胀,核糖体脱落。类立克次体 是导致鱼类病害的重要病原体。

关 键 词:真 鲷  类立克次体  超微结构  ultras tructure 国家自然科学基金课题(39870580)资助

Preliminary Study on the Ultrastructure and Cell Pathology of Rickettsia-like Organism in Intestine Epithelial Tissue of Pagrosomus Major
Jiang Ming. Preliminary Study on the Ultrastructure and Cell Pathology of Rickettsia-like Organism in Intestine Epithelial Tissue of Pagrosomus Major[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2000, 30(Z1): 129-134
Authors:Jiang Ming
The Rickettsia-like organism (RLO) in the enteric epi thelium of the diseased Pagrosomus major [Temmincket Schlegel] were observ ed with electron microscopy. The results showed that the RLO with an integrated cell membrane and a nucleoid of low electronic density appeared in the cytoplasm . It had two forms, the Vegetative and the Vesting forms. The Vegetative form ha d the shapes in rotundity, ellipse dumbbell and long stick. The length of the Ve getative form was 0.2~0.8μm. It formed inclosion body in cytoplasm and was repr oduced by cell division. The Vesting form with shape of rotundity had medium ele ctronic density and was 40~70nm in diameter. It was derived from the Vegetative form by budding. The Mitochondria was involved in the formation of inclusion bod y and the proliferations. The cell pathologic changes were epithelial cell swell ing, microvilli destruction, mitochondria deformation, endocrista dissolvation, endoplasmic reticulum expansion and ribosome disattachment. Rickettsia-like org anism was an important pathogen which caused the fish disease.
Keywords:Pagrosomus major  Rickettsia-like organism
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