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引用本文:周志刚,刘果厚,杨利祥,史学刚,罗芳. 四合木硬枝扦插生根特性的研究[J]. 中国沙漠, 2009, 29(3): 519-523
作者姓名:周志刚  刘果厚  杨利祥  史学刚  罗芳
作者单位:1.内蒙古农业大学 生态环境学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019; 2.乌海市林业科技推广中心, 内蒙古 乌海 016000; 3.北京林业大学 生物科学与技术学院, 北京 100083
摘    要:从插穗长度与龄级、外源激素浓度、插穗留叶量、插穗着生部位等方面研究了四合木硬枝扦插生根特性。结果表明:2~3 a生枝条的生根率显著高于4 a以上生枝条的生根率;外源激素浓度对生根有明显的影响,使用50 mg·L-1 ABT1浸泡3 h,生根率可达91%;留叶量的多少对生根有显著影响,随着留叶量的增多,生根率升高;从南、北两个采穗方向采集的插穗,生根率、生根插穗的平均生根数和平均根长之间差异均不显著;采用上部带梢枝条制成的插穗,生根率极显著高于由枝条中部和下部制成的插穗;插后3 d开始出现愈伤组织,并有少量插穗开始生根,插后6 d大部分插穗已愈合、膨大,插后7~10 d为生根高峰期。

关 键 词:四合木  硬枝扦插  生根特性  

Study on Rooting Characteristics of Hardwood Cutting of Tetraena mongolica Maxim.
ZHOU Zhi-gang,LIU Guo-hou,YANG Li-xiang,SHI Xue-gang,LUO Fang. Study on Rooting Characteristics of Hardwood Cutting of Tetraena mongolica Maxim.[J]. ournal of Desert Research, 2009, 29(3): 519-523
Authors:ZHOU Zhi-gang  LIU Guo-hou  YANG Li-xiang  SHI Xue-gang  LUO Fang
Affiliation:1.College of Ecology and Environment Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, China; 2.Wuhai Forestry Science and Technology Promotion Center, Wuhai 016000; 3.College of Biological Science and Techonology Promotiong Center, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to investigate the rooting characteristics of the hardwood cuttings of Tetraena mongolica Maxim. from aspects of length and ages of cuttings, external hormone concentration, leaf retention, cutting orientations and cutting positions. The results indicated that the rooting ratio of two or three years old of cuttings was larger than the more than four years old of cuttings. The influence of external hormone concentration on rooting was obvious; the rooting ratio of the hardwoods was increased by external hormone treatment, especially when treated by ABT1 at 50 mg·L-1 with 3 hours, the rooting ratio reached 91%. Leaf retention influenced rooting significantly; the rooting rate of the cuttings became larger as the leaf retention increased. There were no differences in rooting capability between south and north cutting orientation in the ortets. The rooting ratios of the cuttings made of the upper part of the shoot were significantly larger than those made of the middle and the base of the shoot. Callus began to appear and a few cuttings began to root in 3 days after cutting. Most cuttings were all healed in 6 days after cutting. Higher rooting period occurred in 7 to 10 days after cutting.
Keywords:Tetraena mongolica  hardwood cutting  rooting characteristics
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