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Comparative evaluation of Indian remote sensing satellite and landsat thematic mapper data for geological and geomorphological applications
Authors:J. Krishnamurthy
Affiliation:National Natural Resources Management System , Indian Space Research Organisation , Bangalore, India
Abstract:In order to evaluate the potentials of IRS‐1A Linear Imaging Self‐scanning Sensor (LISS‐I) data for geological and geomorphological applications and also to compare the IRS‐1A LISS‐I data with Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data, a study has been attempted for parts of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in Northern India. The first four spectral bands of Landsat TM sensor data which are similar and close to IRS‐1A LISS‐I senor have been utilised for the comparative evaluation. Various techniques employed for both the data set to derive the required geology and geomorphology related information include (i) band combination (ii) spectral response analysis (iii) principal component analysis (iv) supervised classification techniques and (v) visual observation of various outputs generated by the above methods. The Optimum Index Factor (OIF) method adopted for selecting suitable band combinations showed similar OIF rankings for IRS‐1A LISS‐I data and Landsat TM data. It has been visually observed that the band combination 1, 3 & 4 offers relatively better feature display. The spectral responses derived for various major geologic rock units such as Deccan Trap, Vindhyan Formation, Bundelkhand Granite and for a few landcovers such as surface water bodies and black soil show striking similarity in pattern for both LISS‐I and TM. The Principal Component (PC) analysis of both data sets suggested that the total scene brightness tends to dominate in the first PC. The percentage information contributed by PCs 1&2 as also by PCs 1,2 & 3 in both the LISS‐I and TM are comparable. It was observed from the classified image generated by performing supervised classification with a maximum likelihood algorithm that major geomorphic landforms were clearly distinguishable. Thus the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of both IRS‐1A LISS‐I and Landsat TM data showed that significant similarities exist between them. The study also revealed that IRS‐1A LISS‐I data can be effectively used for deriving geology and geomorphology related details.
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