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引用本文:辛秀,王翠芝. 福建紫金山金铜矿明矾石的流体包裹体特征[J]. 现代地质, 2014, 28(1): 42-50
作者姓名:辛秀  王翠芝
作者单位:(1中国地质大学(北京) 地球科学与资源学院,北京100083;2福州大学 紫金矿业学院,福建 福州350108;3福建省矿产资源重点实验室,福建 福州350108)
摘    要:
福建紫金山金铜矿位于紫金山矿田中部,受火山机构控制,其矿化特征是脉状隐爆角砾岩发育及蚀变分带明显且严格控制相应的矿化。以隐爆角砾岩脉为中心,从内向外,从上到下,依次为硅化带、明矾石化带、地开石化带、绢英岩化带。硅化带控制着上部金矿体,明矾石化带控制着下部高硫化型铜矿体。明矾石可分为4种产出类型,分别为蚀变岩型明矾石、与铜-硫化物共生的明矾石、脉状明矾石和粉末状明矾石。流体包裹体显微测温结果表明:(1)明矾石中的流体包裹体主要为气-液两相包裹体,流体属于NaCl-H2O体系;(2)成矿流体密度为0.5~1 g/cm3,均一温度集中在200~360 ℃,盐度小于20%,属于中低温、中低盐度体系;(3)从蚀变岩型、与铜-硫化物共生型、脉状明矾石到粉末状明矾石,其包裹体均一温度、盐度有逐渐降低的趋势;(4)成矿压力多集中在40×105~160×105 Pa,估算其深度为500~1 600 m;(5)成矿流体以岩浆水为主,后期有大气降水的加入,成矿过程中发生过沸腾和不混溶作用。

关 键 词:流体包裹体  明矾石  紫金山金铜矿  福建  

Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of Alunite in Zijinshan Gold-copper Deposit Fujian Province
XIN Xiu,WANG Cui-zhi. Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of Alunite in Zijinshan Gold-copper Deposit Fujian Province[J]. Geoscience of Geosciences, 2014, 28(1): 42-50
Authors:XIN Xiu  WANG Cui-zhi
Zijinshan Au-Cu deposit of Fujian Province which located in the middle part of Zijinshan ore field is controlled by volcanic mechanism. Its characteristics of mineralization are well-developed the crypto-explosion breccia vein, and obvious alteration zoning with controls the corresponding mineralization strictly. With the crypto-explosion breccia dike as the center, from center to outside, top to bottom, there are the silicified zone, the alunite alteration zone, the dickite alteration zone and the phyllic alteration zone. The silicified zone controls gold ore body in the upper, the alunite alteration zone controls high sulfidation type copper ore body in the lower. Four occurrence status types of the alunite are classified, which are the alterated-rock type, the intergrowth with-Cu-sulphide type, the alunite-vein type and the powder type. The results of microthermometry of fluid inclusion in alunite show that (1) Most of inclusions have two phases (liquid and vapor), which belong to NaCl-H2O system; (2) The ore-forming fluid is of the density ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 g/cm3, the homogenization temperature concentrated in 200-360 ℃, and the salinity less than 20%,which belongs to a fluid system with medium-low temperature and medium-low salinity; (3)The values of homogenization temperature and salinity of the fluid inclusions of alunite have a decreasing trend from the alterated rock type, the intergrowth-with-Cu-sulphide type, the alunite-vein type to the powder type;(4) The range of ore-forming pressure is concentrated in 40×105-160×105Pa, corresponding to the depth range from 500 to 1,600 m; (5)The mineralizing fluid is mainly from magmatic water and later mixed with atmospheric precipitation. Boiling and immiscibility occurred during the ore-forming processes.
Keywords:fluid inclusion,alunite,Zijinshan gold-copper deposit  ,Fujian,
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