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Unravelling the magmatic system beneath a monogenetic volcanic complex (Jagged Rocks Complex,Hopi Buttes,AZ, USA)
Authors:G.?Re  author-information"  >  author-information__contact u-icon-before"  >  mailto:ilpeppere@gmail.com"   title="  ilpeppere@gmail.com"   itemprop="  email"   data-track="  click"   data-track-action="  Email author"   data-track-label="  "  >Email author  author-information__orcid u-icon-before icon--orcid u-icon-no-repeat"  >  http://orcid.org/---"   itemprop="  url"   title="  View OrcID profile"   target="  _blank"   rel="  noopener"   data-track="  click"   data-track-action="  OrcID"   data-track-label="  "  >View author&#  s OrcID profile,J.?M.?Palin,J.?D.?L.?White,M.?Parolari
Affiliation:1.University of Otago,Dunedin,New Zealand;2.UNAM,Querétaro,Mexico
Abstract:The Jagged Rocks complex is the eroded remnant of the plumbing systems of closely spaced monogenetic alkaline volcanic centres in the southern Hopi Buttes Volcanic Field (AZ, USA). It contains different clinopyroxene populations with distinctive textures and geochemical patterns. In the Northwestern part of the complex, which exposes the best developed system of conduits, most of the clinopyroxenes consist of large- to medium-sized resorbed cores overgrown by euhedral rims (type 1), small moderately resorbed greenish cores with the same overgrown rims (type 2), and phlogopite as an accessory phase. By contrast, in the Southern part of the complex the majority of clinopyroxenes are euhedral with oscillatory zonation (type 3) and are accompanied by minor euhedral olivine. The differences between these mineral assemblages indicate a composite history of crystallization and magmatic evolution for the two parts of the complex, governed by different mechanisms and ascent patterns from a single source at ~ 50 km depth (16 kbar). The Northwest system preserves a high-pressure assemblage that cooled rapidly from near-liquidus conditions, suggesting direct ascent from the source to the surface at high-to-moderate transport rates (average ~ 1.25 m/s). By contrast, the Southern system represents magma that advanced upward at much lower overall ascent rates, stalling at times to form small-volume mid-crustal storage zones (e.g., sills or a network of sheeted intrusions); this allowed the re-equilibration of the magma at lower pressure (~ 30 km; 8 kbar), and led to nucleation and growth of euhedral clinopyroxene and olivine phenocrysts.
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