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引用本文:管泽霖,徐德宝. 我国大陆沿海的海面地形[J]. 武汉大学学报 ( 信息科学版),1988,13(2): 31-38.
作者姓名:管泽霖  徐德宝
摘    要:
利用Engelis按SEASAT卫星测高资料得到的海面地形模型和Levitus按位水准得到的海面地形模型计算了我国沿海几个验潮站与青岛验潮站之间的海面地形,并与几何水准联测得到的这几个验潮站的平均海面的高差进行了比较。用这三种方法求得的我国大陆沿海海水面倾斜的趋势大体上是一致的。此外,在全球统一系统内计算大地水准面差距时,若在计算点附近(Ψ 0 =10°)应用我国区域性重力异常,由于大地水准面差距零阶项N 0 和海面地形的影响,可使N的误差达到0.4米,这对确定米级精度的大地水准面差距是有影响的。

关 键 词:海面地形  海水面倾斜  水准面基准

Sea Surface Topography along the Coast of Main Land of China
Guan Zelin,Xu Debao. Sea Surface Topography along the Coast of Main Land of China[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University ,1988,13(2): 31-38.
Authors:Guan Zelin Xu Debao
Affiliation:Guan Zelin Xu Debao
The sea surface topography along China's coast and the differences of the MSL between several tidal gauges and Qingdao datum level surface have been estimated using SST models proposed by Engelis using SEASAT altimater data and by Levitus using ocean levelling.The computation of the models with geodetic levelling connecting some tidal gauges shows that general trend of the sea surface slope is basically agreement with each other,i.e. going upwards in the direction from north to south along the coast of Huanghai sea (Yellow Sea) and Donghai Sea (East China Sea),and downwards along the coast of Nanhai Sea (South China Sea).Due to the existing effects of the SST and the zero degree term no for geoidal unduletion,if the separation are computed using China's local gravity anomalies near the computation point (Ψ 0 =10°,for example),then the errors for geoid could reach 0.4m. Thus,the errors,for a determination of geoidal undulation with an accuracy of one meter,should be considered.
Keywords:sea surface topography  sea surface slope  datum of level surface
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