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引用本文:万卫星,宁百齐,刘立波,丁锋,毛田,李国主,熊波. 中国电离层TEC现报系统[J]. 地球物理学进展, 2007, 22(4): 1040-1045
作者姓名:万卫星  宁百齐  刘立波  丁锋  毛田  李国主  熊波
摘    要:作为最重要的电离层参量之一,电离层电子浓度总含量(TEC)可以通过当前广泛使用的全球定位系统(GPS)的信标进行观测.我们在我国北起漠河、经北京和武汉、南到三亚四个观测站建立了GPS接收站,经单站数据处理后将原始的单站GPS TEC观测数据上载到北京数据处理中心;采用我们发展的经验基函数模式算法,用实测数据估算格点TEC并提供给用户,同时生成覆盖中国疆域的TEC地图并在因特网上实时发布.这一电离层TEC现报系统是我国首个类似的技术系统,在观测站布局和TEC地图算法上有所创新.该系统已用于实时监测我国电离层环境,并可为我国卫星定位导航和测控等技术系统的电波修正提供实测电离层数据.

关 键 词:GPS观测  TEC算法  电离层现报

Nowcasting the Ionospheric Total Electron Content over China
WAN Wei-xing,NING Bai-qi,LIU Li-bo,DING Feng,MAO Tian,LI Guo-zhu,XIONG Bo. Nowcasting the Ionospheric Total Electron Content over China[J]. Progress in Geophysics, 2007, 22(4): 1040-1045
Authors:WAN Wei-xing  NING Bai-qi  LIU Li-bo  DING Feng  MAO Tian  LI Guo-zhu  XIONG Bo
Affiliation:Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:The total electron content(TEC),as one of the most important ionospheric parameters,can be observed from the global positioning system(GPS) which are used throughout the world.For monitoring the ionospheric TEC over China,we set up four GPS stations distributed from the north most place,Mohe,through Beijing and Wuhan,to the south most location,Sanya,of China.After processing in each station,the original GPS TEC data are uploaded to the data center in Beijing.We then estimate the grid TEC data with a newly developed algorithm based on the model of the empirical base functions.The TEC maps which may cover the whole China are finally produced and provide in the website http://space.iggcas.ac.cn/.The presented system has been used for nowcasting the ionospheric TEC over China.
Keywords:GPS observation  TEC estimation  ionospheric nowcasting
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