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引用本文:周天军,宇如聪,张学洪,俞永强,李薇,刘海龙,刘喜迎. 海气耦合气候模式对大气中水汽输送、辐散辐合与海气间水通量交换的模拟[J]. 大气科学, 2001, 25(5): 596-608. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2001.05.03
作者姓名:周天军  宇如聪  张学洪  俞永强  李薇  刘海龙  刘喜迎
摘    要:基于ECMWF再分析结果对LASG第三代全球海洋-大气-陆地耦合系统模式(GOALS)的两个版本和第四代耦合气候模式初始版(FGCM-0)所模拟的大气水汽输送与辐散辐合特征、海气间水通量交换,进行了评估分析.结果表明:(1)对垂直积分的水汽通量场的流函数及其对应的无辐散水汽通量矢量的模拟,三个耦合模式都能够较为合理地再现副热带大洋的涡旋结构、中纬度西风带的东向水汽输送、赤道东风带的西向水汽输送和东亚夏季风水汽输送等行星尺度特征及其季节变化,只是GOALS的涡旋位置、FGCM-0的涡旋中心强度,较之实际略有偏差.(2)反映在垂直积分的水汽通量场的势函数和对应的无旋水汽矢量上,对南北半球副热带大洋水汽辐散区、热带辐合带(ITCZ)、东亚夏季风区强烈的水汽辐合特征等的模拟,FGCM-0的结果相对合理.GOALS的热带辐合中心过于集中在印度尼西亚群岛附近,东亚夏季风水汽辐合中心偏南.(3)关于海气水通量交换,FGCM-0较为理想地再现了副热带的净蒸发、ITCZ和中高纬度的净降水特征以及夏季ITCZ的季节性北移,但对南太平洋辐合带(SPCZ)、副热带南大西洋的净蒸发特点,以及阿拉伯海和盂加拉湾季节变化的差异,模拟结果不理想.FGCM-0在模拟SPCZ上的偏差,是由海气耦合过程造成的.GOALS未能合理再现ITCZ和SPCZ降水大于蒸发的特点,其净降水集中在西太平洋暖池区;但对副热带南大西洋、北印度洋水通量季节变化的模拟相对合理.

关 键 词:耦合气候模式  水汽输送  海气水通量交换  模式评估

Features of Atmospheric Moisture Transport, Convergence and Air-Sea Freshwater Flux Simulated by the Coupled Climate Models
Zhou Tianjun,Yu Rucong,Zhang Xuehong,Yu Yongqiang,Li Wei,Liu Hailong and Liu Xiying. Features of Atmospheric Moisture Transport, Convergence and Air-Sea Freshwater Flux Simulated by the Coupled Climate Models[J]. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2001, 25(5): 596-608. DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2001.05.03
Authors:Zhou Tianjun  Yu Rucong  Zhang Xuehong  Yu Yongqiang  Li Wei  Liu Hailong  Liu Xiying
Abstract:Evaluation of the hydrologlcal cycle is regarded as an important part of coupled model validations. The processes of atmospheric water vapor transport, convergence/ divergence, and the air--sea freshwater exchange simulated by two versions of LASG Global-Ocean--Atmosphere- Land--System model (Hereafter referred to as GOALS), and the IAP LASG Forth Generation Global Coupled Climate Model Version--0 (FGCM--0), have been analyzed in this paper. The results show that for the global scale characteristics of the vertically integrated vapor flux fields, which is described in terms of the rotational and divergent components of the stationary parts of the vapor field, both GOALS and FGCM--0 can reproduce the subtropical gyres in each hemisphere, the eastward water va- por transport of the mid--latitude westerlies, and the westward vapor transport of equatorial easterlies reasonably, though the precise positions of the gyres simulated by GOALS, and the intensities of the gyre centers in FGCM--0 do not match the observations accurately. For the sources and sinks of at- mospheric water vapor, FGCM-0 can reproduce the global scale features such as the divergence of wat- er vapor over the subtropical oceans in each hemisphere, the robust convergence of water vapor in the Inter--tropical Convergence Zone and eastern Asian summer monsoon domain reasonably. The pattern of ITCZ has not been reproduced successfully in GOALS, water vapor convergence centralizes mainly in the western Pacific warm pool; in the mean time, the center of the Asian summer monsoon vapor convergence shift a little southward. Corresponding to the pattern of water vapor sinks and sources, FGCM-0 succeeds in the simulation of net water gain of ITCZ and mid--latitudes, the northward mi- gration of ITCZ In boreal summer, and the net vapor loss of subtropical ocean, but fails in the repro- duction of the net water gain of South Pacific Convergence Zone, the net water loss of the subtropical southern Atlantic, and the seasonal variation of the northern Indian Ocean. Further inspections show that mainly the air--sea coupling process causes the blemish of SPCZ in FGCM--0. GOALS fails in the simulation of net water gain in ITCZ and SPCZ, but succeeds in the reproduction of net water loss of the subtropical southern Atlantic, and the seasonal variation of the northern Indian Ocean. The evaluation provided here furnishes a guide for future improvement of LASG air--sea coupled models.
Keywords:climate model  hydrological cycle   air--sea freshwater flux   model evaluation
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