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Chlorinated hydrocarbons in fish-eating birds wintering in the Gdańsk Bay,Baltic Sea, 1980–1981
Authors:Jerzy Falandysz  Piotr Szefer
Affiliation:1. Veterinary Hygiene Research Station, ul. Kaprów 10, PL 80-316 Gdańsk, Poland;2. Faculty of Pharmacy, ul. K. Marksa 107, PL 80-416 Gdańsk, Poland
Further samples of the chlorinated hydrocarbon content in adipose tissue of fish-eating birds wintering in the South Baltic show high concentrations of PCB compared with ΣDDT, HCB, alpha- and gamma-BHC. The great crested grebe presently examined had approximately four times higher PCB/ΣDDT ratios than specimens taken during 1975–1976.
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