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Frostquakes in New England
Authors:Patrick J. Barosh  

P.J. Barosh and Associates, 35 Potter Street, Concord, MA 01742, USA

Frostquakes are generated by tensional fracturing of the ground due to relatively rapid freezing. They are often accompanied by explosive noise and may reach Intensity V effects, yet they are only felt in neighborhoods and are not recorded on seismic networks. Frostquakes may crack macadam, concrete slabs, shallow soil pipe and some foundation materials along the line of the fracture. They occur in the early hours of the morning in mid-winter during major cold snaps. The ones investigated occurred in glacial sand and silt and none were found on till or bedrock. The recognition of frostquakes is important in correcting the records for fault-caused earthquakes. Frostquakes in the historic record complicate the difficulty of predicting large earthquakes from small ones.
Keywords:Cryoseism   Frostquake   Seismotectonic studies   Tensional fracturing
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