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Golf: A resonance spectrometer for the observation of solar oscillations
Authors:Boumier  P.  Decaudin  M.  Jones  A. R.  Grec  G.  Tamiatto  C.
Affiliation:(1) Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, bât 121, Université Paris XI, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France;(2) Kapteyn Sterrenswacht, Mensingheweg 20, 9301 KA Roden, The Netherlands;(3) Departement d'Astrophysique, Université de Nice, France
Abstract:GOLF (Global Oscillations at Low Frequencies) is an instrument to study the line-of-sight velocity of the solar photosphere, to be flown on the SOHO satellite in 1995. It uses a sodium vapour cell in resonance scattering mode, in order to measure the absolute Doppler shift of the solar sodium absorption lines. We detail laboratory tests to determine the performances of the cell built for the experiment. The results are in good agreement with numerical simulations of the resonance processes. As a final result, we can conclude that the level of performances required for the flight instrument will be obtained.
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