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引用本文:田升平. 中国磷矿基本特征及分布规律[J]. 化工矿产地质, 2000, 22(1): 11-16
摘    要:以地质作用为主要依据 ,将中国磷矿分为内生磷矿床、外生磷矿床和变质磷矿床三大类。中国内生磷矿主要分布在辽宁、河北、陕西、山东及黑龙江等省 ,可分为六种类型 ,其中超基性 -碱性 -碳酸盐类磷矿颇具远景。中国外生磷矿主要分布在云南、贵州、湖南、湖北、四川五省 ,它们在形成时代、大地构造、沉积环境、岩石组合类型及生物作用等方面都有某些共同的规律 ,是中国最主要的磷矿床。中国变质磷矿主要分布在中南地区的东北部、华东地区东部、华北及东北地区 ,早元古代晚期沉积变质磷矿最具代表性。中国磷矿可分为 8个成矿区 ,16个成矿带及若干个聚磷矿区。在此范围内可以圈定出不同类别的预测区。

关 键 词:内生磷矿  外生磷矿  变质磷矿  特征  分布  中国

Tian Shengping. TYPICAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION OF CHINESE PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS[J]. Geology of Chemical Minerals, 2000, 22(1): 11-16
Authors:Tian Shengping
Affiliation:Geological Institute for Chemical Minerals
Abstract:According to geological performances, Chinese phosphate deposits may be grouped into endogenic, exogenic and metamorphic. The endogenic phosphate deposits mostly distribute in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Helongjiang, and so on, probably distinguished into six types among which the ultrabasic alkali carbonate typed mineralization has broad prospects. The exogenic deposits generally rest over Yunnan, Guizhow, Hunan, Hubei and Sichuan provinces, representing the most leading phosphate resources of China, and are common, to a certain degree, with respect to mineralizing time, regional structure, sedimentary conditions, rock association and organic participation. The metamorphic deposits are those in the northeastern part of Central South China, the eastern part of East China, North China and Northeast China. The most typical of them are late Early Proterozoic sedimentometamorphic deposits. Chinese phosphate deposits belong respectively to eight metallogenic provinces, 16 metallogenic belts and several phosphorus collecting basins. In these divisions, type varying prognostic areas can be mapped out for ore prospecting.
Keywords:endogenic phosphate deposit   exogenic phosphate deposit   metamorphic phosphate deposit   character   distribution   China
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