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引用本文:王文健 高金耀 吴招才 许明炬 王威. 南极普里兹湾船载地磁三分量数据处理分析[J]. 极地研究, 2017, 29(3): 349-346. DOI: 10. 13679/j. jdyj. 2017. 1. 349
作者姓名:王文健 高金耀 吴招才 许明炬 王威
作者单位:国家海洋局第二海洋研究所, 浙江 杭州 310012;国家海洋局海底科学重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310012
摘    要:
船载地磁三分量测量仪(STCM)具有易携带、无时空限制、多参数测量等特点,在极地恶劣环境下,显然比拖曳磁力仪更具优势。对第29次南极科学考察获得的船载地磁三分量数据进行船磁干扰场的校正分离,获得相应的三分量数据以及总场。校正后地磁三分量数据与拖曳磁力数据进行对比,其标准差为47.56 n T,表明其在极区内工作性能良好,数据质量可靠。计算结果为我国首次在极区海域内获得的地磁三分量磁异常,有关的技术流程方法将为今后中国极地科考实施船载地磁三分量测量提供有效的技术支持。

关 键 词:地磁三分量  矢量测量  姿态角  船磁校正  

Processing and analyses on shipboard three-component magnetometer data from Prydz Bay,Antarctica
Wang Wenjian,Gao Jinyao,Wu Zhaocai,Xu Mingju,Wang Wei. Processing and analyses on shipboard three-component magnetometer data from Prydz Bay,Antarctica[J]. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 2017, 29(3): 349-346. DOI: 10. 13679/j. jdyj. 2017. 1. 349
Authors:Wang Wenjian  Gao Jinyao  Wu Zhaocai  Xu Mingju  Wang Wei
A Shipboard Three-Component Magnetometer (STCM) is easily deployed, unrestricted in its use, andcapable of multiparameter measurements, which are clear advantages compared with a towed magnetometerin harsh polar environments. In this paper, we analyze the influences of a ship’s magnetic field on the STCMdata acquired during the 29th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition, and obtain the corrected magneticsignature and its corresponding scalar geomagnetic field. Comparison with data acquired from a towedmagnetometer, there is 47.56 nT of standard deviation for the STCM data, reflecting the tolerableperformance, reliability, and high quality of data of an STCM in polar regions. This constitutes the first-timefor Chinese researchers to testify the STCM measurement available in polar seas. Related technicalrefinements will provide effective support for the acquisition of STCM data in upcoming Chinese polarexpeditions.
Keywords:three-component geomagnetic data  vector measurement  attitude angles  corrected magnetic signature  
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