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The gravitational field and the Geoid of Australia
Authors:N. P. Grushinsky  Natasha B. Sazhina  D. A. Brown
Affiliation:1. Sternberg Astronomical Institute , Moscow State University , Moscow, B. 234, U.S.S.R.;2. (Madame Grushinskaya), Nauchnaya issledovatel'naya laboratoriya zarubezhnoy geologii, Ministry of Geology of U.S.S.R. , Moscow, U.S.S.R.;3. Department of Geology , Australian National University , Canberra, A.C.T., 2600
Abstract:A map of the geoid in Australia and surrounding oceanic areas has been produced on a scale of 1:5M. There are two variants, both of which employ Bouguer anomalies for the land areas. For the ocean areas in the first variant, anomalies have been obtained as the difference between the observed and theoretical values of gravity at sea level. In the second variant, a correction has been introduced to reduce the density of the water layer to the average density of the Earth's crust. The height of the geoid in Australia is calculated in the same way. The effect of distant zones has been allowed for in accordance with the data of Kozai (1967) and Köhnlein (1967), and a high precision for the geoid height for Australia has been obtained. Discrepancies between the new data and the observations of Mather (1969) amount to + 2 m for the regions investigated and ± 4 m for the entire continent. Coordinates have also been obtained for the centre of the Australian ellipsoid relative to the centre of the Earth's mass.
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