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Biomarkers in the Molar Tooth (MT)-Bearing Limestones in the Jilin-Liaoning Area of China
引用本文:旷红伟,李艳霞,曾艳涛,孟祥化,葛铭. Biomarkers in the Molar Tooth (MT)-Bearing Limestones in the Jilin-Liaoning Area of China[J]. 中国地球化学学报, 2004, 23(4): 334-341. DOI: 10.1007/BF02871305
作者姓名:旷红伟  李艳霞  曾艳涛  孟祥化  葛铭
作者单位:[1]SchoolofGeophysicsandPetroleumResourcesofYangtzeUniversity;KeyLaboratoryofExplorationTechnologiesforOilandGasResources,YangtzeUniversity,MinistryofEducation,Jingzhou434023,China [2]SchoolofResourceandInformationoftheUniversityofPetroleum,Beijing102200,China [3]InstituteofSedimentaryBasinofChinaUniversityofGeosciences,Beijing100083,China
基金项目:International Geological Comparative Program447 IGCP447),国家自然科学基金,Gas Resources of Yangtze University
摘    要:
The origin of Molar Tooth (MT) carbonates has been argued for more than 100 years, which are a kind of Proterozoic carbonates especially composed of microsparite with ptygmatically folded and sheet-like structures. Biomarkers detected in the microcalcsparite from the Wanlong and Xingmincun formations in the Jilin-Liaoning area showed there are abundant normal alkanes, isoprenoids, hopanes, steranes, alkylmethylcyclohexanes, and alkyleyclohexanes, indicating a diversity of biological source: long-chain isoprenoids, the major components of chlorophyll, such as C19, C20, a kind of major biomarkers synthesized early by isoprenoid monomers; hopanes a type of characteristic biomarkers from prokaryote, such as archaebacteria and cyanobacteria; sterane a biomarker for eukaryote; and two kinds of alkanes with C17, C18 as the main peaks representing aquatic bacteria and with C23, C24 as the main peaks representing fungi, respectively. Biomarker analysis showed that MT is the result of bacterial and algal activities, which is a kind of organisms between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, reproducing well in normal or slightly saline sea water under weak oxidation-reduction conditions, resulting in rapid deposition of calcite as microsparite clue to some mechanisms.

关 键 词:MT 碳酸盐 有机物 吉林-辽林地区 地球化学 矿床沉降

Biomarkers in the Molar Tooth (MT)-bearing limestones in the Jilin-Liaoning area of China
Kuang Hongwei,Li Yanxia,Zeng Yantao,Meng Xianghua,Ge Ming. Biomarkers in the Molar Tooth (MT)-bearing limestones in the Jilin-Liaoning area of China[J]. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2004, 23(4): 334-341. DOI: 10.1007/BF02871305
Authors:Kuang Hongwei  Li Yanxia  Zeng Yantao  Meng Xianghua  Ge Ming
Affiliation:(1) School of Geophysics and Petroleum Resources of Yangtze University, Yangtze University, Ministry of Education, 434023 Jingzhou, China;(2) Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources, Yangtze University, Ministry of Education, 434023 Jingzhou, China;(3) School of Resource and Information of the University of Petroleum, 102200 Beijing, China;(4) Institute of Sedimentary Basin of China University of Geosciences, 100083 Beijing, China
The origin of Molar Tooth(MT)carbonates has been argued for more than 100 years, which are a kind of Proterozoic carbonates especially composed of microsparite with ptygmatically folded and sheet-like structures. Biomarkers detected in the microcalcsparite from the Wanlong and Xingmincun formations in the Jilin-Liaoning area showed there are abundant normal alkanes, isoprenoids, hopanes, steranes, alkylmethylcyclohexanes, and alkylcyclohexanes, indicating a diversity of biological source: long-chain isoprenoids, the major components of chlorophyll, such as C-19, C-20, a kind of major biomarkers synthesized early by isoprenoid monomers; hopanes a type of characteristic biomarkers from prokaryote, such as archaebacteria and cyanobacteria; sterane a biomarker for eukaryote; and two kinds of alkanes with C-17, C-18 as the main peaks representing aquatic bacteria and with C-23, C-24 as the main peaks representing fungi, respectively. Biomarker analysis showed that MT is the result of bacterial and algal activities, which is a kind of organisms between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, reproducing well in normal or slightly saline sea water under weak oxidation-reduction conditions, resulting in rapid deposition of calcite as microsparite due to some mechanisms.
Keywords:MT carbonate  origin of MT  biomarker  Jilin-Liaoning area
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