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引用本文:汤国安,龚健雅,陈正江,成燕辉,王占宏. 数字高程模型地形描述精度量化模拟研究[J]. 测绘学报, 2001, 30(4): 361-365
作者姓名:汤国安  龚健雅  陈正江  成燕辉  王占宏
摘    要:在首先提出数字高程模型(DEM)地形描述误差(Et)概念的基础上,以我国5个不同地貌类型区为试验样区,采用比较分析的方法,研究EDEM地形描述误差的成因、影响因素、量测方法以及误差的数学模拟途径。统计分析的结果证明DEM地形描述误差与DEM空间分辨率及其地面粗糙度之间存在着线性相关关系,回归分析结果显示,DEM地形描述误差Et的均方差RMS值可以表达为DEM水平分辨率(R)与地面垂直曲率(V)的函数:RMS Et=(0.0063V 0.0066)R-0.022V 0.2415。该结果可用以估算估算所建立的DEM的地形描述精度,也为确定适宜的DEM分辨率提供了理论依据。

关 键 词:DEM  精度  误差  分辨率  模拟

A Simulation on the Accuracy of DEM Terrain Representation
TANG Guo an ,GONG Jian ya ,CHEN Zheng jiang ,CHENG Yan hui ,WANG Zhan hong. A Simulation on the Accuracy of DEM Terrain Representation[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2001, 30(4): 361-365
Authors:TANG Guo an   GONG Jian ya   CHEN Zheng jiang   CHENG Yan hui   WANG Zhan hong
Affiliation:TANG Guo an 1,GONG Jian ya 2,CHEN Zheng jiang 1,CHENG Yan hui 1,WANG Zhan hong 1
Abstract:This research puts forward the concept of DEM terrain representation error (Et) first and then investigates the generation, major factors,measurement and simulation of Et. A multi resolution and multi relief comparative approach was used as the major methodology in this study. The experiment reveals a quantitative relationship between the errors and the variation of DEM resolution and terrain roughness at global levels. RMS Et is regressed against the mean profile curvature ( V ) and DEM resolution ( X ) at 6 resolution levels. It is found that the RMS Et may be expressed as RMS Et=(0.006 3 V+0.006 6)R-0.022 V +0.241 5. This founding should be helpful in calculating DEM accuracy, as well as determining the DEM resolution appropriate to the accuracy requirement of a particular application.
Keywords:DEM  error  accuracy  resolution  simulation
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