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东、黄海SST与850 hPa气温季节变化关系的SVD分析
引用本文:曾广恩,齐义泉,陈秀珠. 东、黄海SST与850 hPa气温季节变化关系的SVD分析[J]. 海洋学研究, 2010, 28(2): 22-27
作者姓名:曾广恩  齐义泉  陈秀珠
摘    要:利用1998~2004年的热带降雨测量卫星的卫星遥感海表面温度(SST)数据以及美国NO-AA/NCEP再分析产品的850 hPa气温数据,采用EOF分析方法,分析了850 hPa气温的季节内变化特征,运用奇异值分解(SVD)分析方法对东、黄海SST与850 hPa气温季节内变化的相关关系进行了分析。对850 hPa气温季节内变化的EOF分析结果表明,EOF分析获得的前4个模态的累积方差贡献率为86.51%,其中EOF的第一模态的方差贡献率占44.49%,其空间模态呈现出明显的东南海域为正值、西北海域为负值的反相分布特征,这一模态的显著变化周期为6.6周(约46 d)和2.8周(约19 d)。SVD分析结果表明,第一对模态的协方差解释率为83.6%,基本上能体现出SST温度场与850 hPa气温场季节变化的特征,其空间分布型表明,东海北部以及黄海近岸等海区SST季节变化与30°N以南的东海海区850 hPa气温的季节振荡存在显著的正相关关系,SVD第一对模态空间分布型时间系数之间的相关系数达到0.29。

关 键 词:海表面温度(SST)  季节内变化  奇异值分解(SVD)分析  东海  黄海

Analysis of the relationship between the intra-seasonal variabilities of SST and 850hPa air temperature in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea using the singular value decomposition(SVD) method
ZENG Guang-en,QI Yi-quan,CHEN Xiu-zhu. Analysis of the relationship between the intra-seasonal variabilities of SST and 850hPa air temperature in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea using the singular value decomposition(SVD) method[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences, 2010, 28(2): 22-27
Authors:ZENG Guang-en  QI Yi-quan  CHEN Xiu-zhu
Affiliation:ZENG Guang-en1,QI Yi-quan2,CHEN Xiu-zhu1(1.Hydrometric Station of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325000,China,2.LED,South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,CAS,Guangzhou 510301,China)
Abstract:Based on the satellite remote sensing data of SST collected by TRMM/TMI and 850 hPa air temperature of NOAA/NCEP reanalysis data,intra-seasonal variability of 850 hPa air temperature is analyzed with EOF method,then the correlation between the intra-seasonal variabilities of the SST and 850 hPa air temperature in the East China Sea(ECS) and the Yellow Sea(YS) is analyzed with singular value decomposition(SVD) method.The analysis of intra-seasonal variability of 850 hPa air temperature reveals that the first...
Keywords:sea surface temperature(SST)  intra-seasonal variability  the singular value decomposition(SVD) method  the East China Sea  the Yellow Sea  
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