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引用本文:奚晓旭,刘少峰,韦蔚,李珂,焦中虎,李力. 月表虹湾Hurst指数分析[J]. 地学前缘, 2012, 19(6): 137-143
作者姓名:奚晓旭  刘少峰  韦蔚  李珂  焦中虎  李力
摘    要:月球遥感是在登月技术还不完善的情况下,利用遥感数据,通过各种分析来研究月球演化、内部结果和表面特征的方法。粗糙度是地表隆升、沉降、侵蚀和火山喷射物覆盖在行星表面留下的记录,因此对行星表面粗糙度的定量分析可以精确反映其地质演化过程。而Hurst指数则是粗糙度的精确反映。文中利用LOLA制作的DEM,以月球正面虹湾为例,选取水平方向的12条剖面和垂直方向的15条剖面对其各粗糙度参数进行计算,并结合月表成熟度对Hurst指数与底层年龄的相关性进行了分析,得出如下结论:(1)在1km的剖面长度上,虹湾地区均方根高程的平均值在3m左右;在0.2~3km研究尺度范围内,虹湾地区的坡度不超过2°,说明该地表起伏度小。(2)虹湾地区的Hurst指数跨度比较大,尤其在垂直方向(南北)上,在0.4到0.9之间,表明其构造样式丰富。(3)在0.2~3km研究尺度范围内,Hurst指数自北往南增大、自西往东增大,表示在虹湾地区粗糙度自西北向东南方向增大。(4)虹湾地区地质年龄为自西北向东南方向变小,与Hurst指数增大方向一致。(5)在月表年轻撞击坑地区月表成熟度与Hurst指数大致呈负相关关系。

关 键 词:Hurst指数  粗糙度  虹湾  相对地质年龄

Hurst exponent analysis of the Sinus Iridum of the Moon
Xi Xiaoxu,Liu Shaofeng,Wei Wei,Li Ke,Jiao Zhonghu,Li Li. Hurst exponent analysis of the Sinus Iridum of the Moon[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2012, 19(6): 137-143
Authors:Xi Xiaoxu  Liu Shaofeng  Wei Wei  Li Ke  Jiao Zhonghu  Li Li
Affiliation:1,41.School of Earth Sciences and Resources,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China2.Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd,Zhengzhou 450000,China3.Department of Geography and Remote Sensing Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China4.Institute of Remote Sensing Applications,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Abstract:In the condition of the defect of the technology of Landing-Moon,remote sensing is a method to research the evolution,inside structure and surface feature of the Moon,by using remote sensing data and various analysis.Surface roughness is the record of deposit,uplift,erosion and the cover of eruption of volcano on the planetary surface,so the quantitative analysis of roughness could reflect the geological process exactly.And Hurst exponent could reflect roughness exactly.In this paper,DEM generated by LOLA data was used.And then twelve profiles in the horizontal direction,and fifteen in the vertical,have been selected from the Sinus Iridum in the lunar,and several parameters of roughness of those profiles have also been studied,and the relation between the Hurst exponent and the age of stratum was analysed according to the OMAT.The result shows that:(1)The average of RMS height over 1 km-length profile is about 3 m.In addition,within the research scale(0.23 km),the slope of Sinus Iridum area does not exceed 2°.This means that the surface of Sinus Iridum is relatively smooth.(2)The Hurst exponent distributes over a wide-range,0.40.9,especially in the vertical direction(north-south).This demonstrates that the tectonic in this area is restively multiple.(3)In the same scale,Hurst exponent increases from north to south,from west to east,which means the roughness of Sinus Iridum increases from north-west to south-east.(4)The geological age of Sinus Iridum becomes younger from north-west to south-east,which at the same direction of the increase of Hurst exponent.(5)There is a negative correlation between Hurst exponent and OMAT in the young crater regions.
Keywords:Hurst exponent  roughness  Sinus Iridum  relative geological age
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