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Adaptive element free Galerkin method applied to analysis of earthquake induced liquefaction
Authors:Ying Jie  Xiaowei Tang  Maotian Luan  Qing Yang
Affiliation:1. State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
An automatically adaptive element free method is presented to analyze the seismic response of liquefiable soils.The method is based on the element free Galerkin method (EFGM) and the fission procedure that is part of h-refinement,indicated by error estimation. In the proposed method, a posteriori error estimate procedure that depends on the energy normof stress and the T-Belytschko (TB) stress recovery scheme is incorporated. The effective cyclic elasto-plastic constitutivemodel is used to describe the nonlinear behavior of the saturated soil. The governing equations are established by u-pformulation. The proposed method can effectively avoid the volumetric locking due to large deformation that usually occursin numerical computations using the finite element method (FEM). The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstratedby evaluating the seismic response of an embankment and comparing it to results obtained through FEM. It is shown that theproposed method provides an accurate seismic analysis of saturated soil that includes the effects of liquefaction
Keywords:adaptive element-free Galerkin method  soil liquefaction  large deformation  error estimation  seismic response
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