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The redshift dependence of spectral index in powerful radio galaxies
Authors:Ramana M. Athreya  Vijay K. Kapahi
Affiliation:(1) National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (TIFR), Pune University Campus, P.O. Bag 3, 411 007 Pune, India;(2) Present address: l’lnstitut d’ Astrophysique de Paris, 98 bis Bd, 75014 Arago, Paris
We present and discuss in this paper the rest frame radio spectra (1–25 GHz) of a sample of fourteen radio galaxies atz >2 from the newly defined MRC/1Jy complete sample of 558 radio sources. These galaxies are among the most powerful radio sources known and range in luminosity from 1028-1028·8 watt Hz-1 at 1 GHz. We find that the median rest frame spectral index of this sample of galaxies atz >2 is significantly steeper than that of a matched luminosity sample of 3CRR galaxies which are at a much lower redshift (0.85 <z < 1.7). This indicates that spectral index correlates primarily with redshift, at least in the luminosity range considered here. The difference between the distributions of rest frame spectral curvatures for the two samples does not appear to be statistically significant. We suggest a new explanation for the steeper spectra of radio galaxies at high redshift involving steeper electron energy spectra at injection. Electron energy spectra are expected to steepen in a first-order Fermi acceleration process, at both non-relativistic and relativistic shock fronts, as the upstream fluid velocity decreases. This may well be the case at high redshifts: the hotter and denser circum-galactic medium at high redshifts could result in slower speeds for the hotspot and the jet material behind it. The smaller sizes of radio sources at higher redshifts provide support to this scenario. Since deceased.
Keywords:Galaxies: radio spectra, high redshift radio  synchrotron electron acceleration
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