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Empirical test of the spectral invariants theory using imaging spectroscopy data from a coniferous forest
Authors:Petr Luke&scaron  ,Miina Rautiainen,Pauline Stenberg,Zbyněk Malenovský  
Affiliation:1. Global Change Research Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Bělidla 986/4a, Brno 603 00, Czech Republic;2. Department of Forest Sciences, PO BOX 27, University of Helsinki, FI-00014, Finland;3. Remote Sensing Laboratories, Department of Geography, University of Zürich, Winterthurstr. 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
The spectral invariants theory presents an alternative approach for modeling canopy scattering in remote sensing applications. The theory is particularly appealing in the case of coniferous forests, which typically display grouped structures and require computationally intensive calculation to account for the geometric arrangement of their canopies. However, the validity of the spectral invariants theory should be tested with empirical data sets from different vegetation types. In this paper, we evaluate a method to retrieve two canopy spectral invariants, the recollision probability and the escape factor, for a coniferous forest using imaging spectroscopy data from multiangular CHRIS PROBA and NADIR-view AISA Eagle sensors. Our results indicated that in coniferous canopies the spectral invariants theory performs well in the near infrared spectral range. In the visible range, on the other hand, the spectral invariants theory may not be useful. Secondly, our study suggested that retrieval of the escape factor could be used as a new method to describe the BRDF of a canopy.
Keywords:Recollision probability   Escape factor   Needle albedo   CHRIS PROBA   AISA
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