Abstract: | The plankton collected from three fish ponds shows a considerable variability within a pond, between the ponds and in the course of the year. The individual volumes or weights are (minimum—mean—maximum): Gleotrichia echinulata 41–252–879 μg3, Chlorella vulgaris 18–42–94 μm3, Oscillatoria amphigranulata 99–306–827 μm3, Brachionus plicatilis 1–4.918 μg, nauplia 0.5–1.25–2.35 μg, Mesocyclops hyalinus 4–45–369—μg, Heliodiaptomus viduus 41–202–288 μg, Daphnia carinata 186–1468–4578 μg. |