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引用本文:高保全,刘萍,李健,戴芳钰,王学忠. 三疣梭子蟹家系的建立及生长性状比较[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 40(2)
作者姓名:高保全  刘萍  李健  戴芳钰  王学忠
摘    要:以莱州湾和舟山野生群体为材料,以完全双列杂交法设计搭配组合,采用1×3♀交配模式,首次利用人工控制定向交尾技术成功构建三疣梭子蟹家系,经过两代选育,对生长到80,100,120日龄10个F2代家系的生长和家系内的变异进行了比较分析。120日龄时,10个家系体重大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6,全甲宽大小顺序为:J9J10J1J4J8J3J2J5J7J6,甲宽大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6,甲长大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6,体高大小顺序为:J9J10J1J8J4J3J2J5J7J6。J9J、10的体重极显著大于其他8个家系(P≤0.01),J9体重比J6大96.10%,比J7大76.87%;J10体重比J6大72.77%,比J7大55.76%,表现出明显的生长优势,是两个生长性状良好的家系,为育种工作提供了良好的材料。

关 键 词:三疣梭子蟹  家系  生长性状

Growth Comparison Between Families of Portunus trituberculatus
GAO Bao-Quan,LIU Ping,LI Jian,DAI Fang-Yu,WANG Xue-Zhong. Growth Comparison Between Families of Portunus trituberculatus[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2010, 40(2)
Authors:GAO Bao-Quan  LIU Ping  LI Jian  DAI Fang-Yu  WANG Xue-Zhong
Abstract:With the rapid expansion and intensification of the culture of Portunus trituberculatus,various issues such as diseases,bad quality of larvas and less natural resources,have occurred and become increasingly serious,causing economic losses.They have become the limiting factors in the sustaining development of this program.Finally,these issues can be resolved by providing excellent breeds provided by using the selective breeding program,which is an important way of selecting breeding by establishing families....
Keywords:Portunus trituberculatus  family  growth traits
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