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引用本文:席建超,赵美风,葛全胜. 旅游地乡村聚落用地格局演变的微尺度分析——河北野三坡旅游区苟各庄村的案例实证[J]. 地理学报, 2011, 66(12): 1707-1717. DOI: 10.11821/xb201112011
作者姓名:席建超  赵美风  葛全胜
作者单位:1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101;2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
摘    要:采取参与性农村评估PRA、GIS 技术和高清遥感影像相结合的方法,研究了25 年来典型旅游村庄苟各庄村土地用地格局的变化规律.研究发现:① 苟各庄村土地利用经历缓慢起步阶段、快速扩展阶段和平稳提升阶段三个时期,实现了从核心到外围,从平面到立体的双重拓展,集约化程度不断提升;② 苟各庄村土地利用格局变化过程与传统乡村功能解构和村庄"旅游化"过程相伴而生,逐步由从单一的村民居住型用地逐步向满足旅游者需求的住宿、购物、餐饮、娱乐等复合型用地转变.③ 自然地理环境框定了乡村聚落空间拓展的基本格局走向,市场需求快速增长是村庄功能转化的根本动力,农户行为的理性调整是村庄土地利用变化的内在动因,政府调控是村庄用地维持相对稳定的重要诱因,这些因素相互作用,共同驱动村庄用地格局的变化.④ 村庄用地格局的变化是乡村发展转型进程的综合表现形式之一.研究发现乡村用地格局演变伴随着乡村城镇化的过程,呈现出周期性特征,目前苟各庄村已进入以特色旅游城镇发展为导向的转型升级阶段.对乡村旅游发展而言,原有用地模式具有不可持续性.因此,要促进乡村旅游可持续发展,必须针对旅游型乡村用地特点和要求,充分考虑现有乡村聚落旅游用地需求,加强乡村用地规划设计和建设管理,并完善相配套的制度体系,实现乡村旅游用地模式由传统内生型"人口增长+生活需求"模式驱动,向外向型的"旅游需求+人口增长"驱动模式的转变.

关 键 词:旅游地  乡村聚落  土地利用  微尺度  苟各庄村  河北野三坡  

The Micro-scale Analysis of Rural Settlement Land Use Pattern:A Case Study of Gouge Village of Yesanpo Scenic Area in Hebei Province
XI Jianchao,ZHAO Meifeng,GE Guansheng. The Micro-scale Analysis of Rural Settlement Land Use Pattern:A Case Study of Gouge Village of Yesanpo Scenic Area in Hebei Province[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(12): 1707-1717. DOI: 10.11821/xb201112011
Authors:XI Jianchao  ZHAO Meifeng  GE Guansheng
Affiliation:1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:Gouge Village is located in Yesanpo scenic area in Hebei Province, and only 100 km away from Beijing city. It has become a typical tourism-based village with the development of Yesanpo scenic area. In this study, the land use pattern change of Gouge Village was analyzed by using the participatory rural appraisal methods (PRA), combined with GIS technology and remote sensing image. The results are shown as follows. (1) There were three stages on the land use pattern evaluation during the past 25 years including slow initial phase, rapid expansion phase, and smooth development phase. The stages presented a dual expansion process from the core to the periphery, as well as from the plane to space. During this process, the intensive degree of land use increased greatly. (2) The evolution of land use pattern of tourism-oriented village caused the deconstruction of traditional village function. The function was changed from villagers' living to the tourists' needs, including the accommodation, shopping, catering and entertainment. (3) Main factors, including the village's natural geographical environment, the tourism market demand, the government's progressive regulation, the household rational choices, have contributed to this changes in different stages. In addition, the results showed that the current land use patterns are not sustainable. We suggest that the rural land use pattern should be a major concern associated to the needs of tourists. In addition, we should strengthen rural land use planning and institutional system to promote the transformation and upgrading of Gouge Village.
Keywords:tourism attraction  rural settlements  land use  micro-scale  Gouge Village   Hebei  
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