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引用本文:洪志刚,戴尔阜,储美华. 我国西部1∶5万地形图空白区地物解译研究——以西藏那曲其香错地区为例[J]. 测绘科学, 2005, 0(6)
作者姓名:洪志刚  戴尔阜  储美华
作者单位:中国测绘科学研究院地理空间信息工程国家测绘局重点实验室 北京100039(洪志刚),中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 北京100101(戴尔阜),中国测绘科学研究院地理空间信息工程国家测绘局重点实验室 北京100039山东科技大学地科学院山东青岛266510(储美华)
摘    要:我国西部部分地区1∶5万地形图数据尚未完成,给区域和国家经济发展带来极大不便。空间技术、计算机技术和信息技术的高速发展为遥感技术应用提供了技术支持,高分辨率影像获取能力的提高为大比例尺地物特征的提取提供了数据可能。本文采用SPOT5遥感影像,以1∶5万地形图图式标准为依据,进行青藏高原其香错地区地物判读,结果表明SPOT5能基本满足1∶5万地形图制图要求。为进一步提高判读结果,可采用多时相、多分辨率影像进行1∶5万地形图地物判读。

关 键 词:SPOT影像  1∶5万地形图图式  地物判读

Detecting methods of surface features of 1: 50 000 topographic map based on SPOT 5 imag-a case study on Qixiangcuo area in Tibet
Abstract:Some of the 1: 50 000 topographic maps are still not available in Western China. With the development on spatial technology, computer technology and information technology, great advances has been made on remote sensing application. At the same time, multispatial and multiresolution images available have based the macroscale map charting. In this paper, an high resolution remote sensing image, SPOT 5, is used for 1: 50 000 topographic maps in Qixiangcuo area in Tibet. results show that such image can satisfy the requirement of 1: 50 000 topographic maps in this area. to improve the resolution on detecting more surface features, multitemporal and multiresolution images should be used in the future studies.
Keywords:SPOT 5 images  1: 50 000 topographic map  surface features identification.
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