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A long-term UBVRI photometric study of the pre-main sequence star V350 Cep
Authors:Sunay Ibryamov  Evgeni Semkov  Stoyanka Peneva
Abstract:Results from UBVRI optical photometric observations of the pre-main sequence star V350 Cep during the period 2004-2014 are presented.The star was discovered in 1977 due to its remarkable increase in brightness by more than 5 mag(R).In previous studies,V350 Cep was considered to be a potential FUor or EXor eruptive variable.Our data suggest that during the period of observations the star maintains its maximum brightness with low amplitude photometric variations.Our conclusion is that V350 Cep was probably an intermediate object between FUors and EXors,similar to V1647 0ri.
Keywords:stars  pre-main sequence-stars  variable  T Tauri-stars  individual(V Cep)
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