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Open Principle for Large High-Resolution Solar Telescopes
Authors:Robert H. Hammerschlag  Felix C. M. Bettonvil  Aswin P. L. Jägers  Guus Sliepen
Affiliation:1. Astronomical Institute, Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, 3584CC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2. Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy (ASTRON), P.O. Box 2, 7990AA, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
3. Technology Foundation STW, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Abstract:Vacuum solar telescopes solve the problem of image deterioration inside the telescope due to refractive index fluctuations of the air heated by the solar light. However, such telescopes have a practical diameter limit somewhat over 1 m. The Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) was the pioneering demonstrator of the open-telescope technology without need of vacuum, now pursued in the German GREGOR. Important ingredients for this technology are primary beam completely open to natural wind flow, stiff but still open design by principal stiff overall geometries in combination with carefully designed joints and completely open-foldable dome constructions based on tensioned strong cloth. Further developments to large sizes are made within the framework of the design study for a European Solar Telescope (EST).
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