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引用本文:杨 帆,陈卫忠,郑朋强,伍国军,袁敬强,于建新. 急倾斜软硬互层巷道变形破坏机制及支护技术研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(8): 2367-2374
作者姓名:杨 帆  陈卫忠  郑朋强  伍国军  袁敬强  于建新
作者单位:1.中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室,武汉 430071; 2.山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心,济南 250061
基金项目:国家杰出青年基金资助(No. 51225902);国家自然科学基金(No. 51379007,No. 41130742);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)资助 (No. 2013CB036006)。
摘    要:针对急倾斜软硬互层巷道围岩大变形控制难题,采用现场试验、理论分析和数值仿真等多种手段,研究急倾斜巷道围岩变形破坏机制,研究结果表明:急倾斜软硬互层巷道的变形与破坏具有非对称性,偏压作用明显,呈现顶板下滑,底板臌起的相互错动变形特征,底臌严重且易片帮冒顶。巷道断面与岩层倾斜方向的钝角部位受侧向约束小,因而剪切滑移变形较大,是产生非对称变形破坏的关键部位;下帮围岩变形破坏较上帮更为严重。基于急倾斜巷道的变形破坏特点,提出在锚- 网-索耦合支护的基础上利用锚索、底角锚杆等对产生差异变形破坏的关键部位进行加强支护的方法,巷道大变形得到了有效控制。

关 键 词:软硬互层  急倾斜巷道  变形破坏机制  数值模拟  

Research on mechanism of deformation and failure for steeply inclined roadways in soft-hard alternant strata and its support technology
YANG Fan,CHEN Wei-zhong,ZHENG Peng-qiang,WU Guo-jun,YUAN Jing-qiang,YU Jian-xin. Research on mechanism of deformation and failure for steeply inclined roadways in soft-hard alternant strata and its support technology[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2014, 35(8): 2367-2374
Authors:YANG Fan  CHEN Wei-zhong  ZHENG Peng-qiang  WU Guo-jun  YUAN Jing-qiang  YU Jian-xin
Affiliation:1. State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China; 2. Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Abstract:Aimed at solving the large deformation control problems of surrounding rock masses of steeply inclined roadway in soft-hard alternate strata, field tests, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation and other research methods were applied to analyze the mechanism of deformation and damage for steeply inclined roadway surrounding rock masses under typical condition of alternate strata. The results show the asymmetric deformation characteristic of surrounding rock of steeply inclined roadway in soft-hard alternate strata, evident effect of unsymmetrical pressure, the mutual miss movement deformation features of “roof sliding and floor heave”, obvious floor heave and high possibility of wall caving and roof collapse. The deformation failure was significantly influenced by an obtuse angle region between roadway sections and incline directions of rock strata, which is less confined, ending up with more shear strain. Deformation and failure of lower wall rock mass aggravated compared to the upper wall rock mass. Based on the deformation and failure characteristics of steeply inclined roadway, according to the strategy of asymmetric coupling support, the key position of surrounding rock that may produce deformation discrepancy was reinforced by anchor cable and floor bolt after bolt-net- anchor coupling support and the large deformation of roadway was effectively controlled.
Keywords:soft-hard alternate strata  steeply inclined roadway  deformation and damage mechanism  numerical simulation
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