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Landslide susceptibility mapping using analytic hierarchy process and information value methods along a highway road section in Constantine,Algeria
Authors:Yacine Achour  Abderrahmane Boumezbeur  Riheb Hadji  Abdelmadjid Chouabbi  Victor Cavaleiro  El Amine Bendaoud
Affiliation:1.Department of Civil Engineering,Bordj Bou Arreridj University,El Annasser,Algeria;2.Department of Earth Sciences,Tebessa University,Tebessa,Algeria;3.Department of Earth Sciences, Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences,Setif University,Sétif,Algeria;4.Laboratory of Geodynamics and Natural Resources,Badji Mokhtar University,Sidi Amar,Algeria;5.Department of Civil Engineering,Beira Interior University,Covilh?,Portugal;6.Department of Civil Engineering,Setif University,Sétif,Algeria
This research work deals with the landslide susceptibility assessment using Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and information value (IV) methods along a highway road section in Constantine region, NE Algeria. The landslide inventory map which has a total of 29 single landslide locations was created based on historical information, aerial photo interpretation, remote sensing images, and extensive field surveys. The different landslide influencing geoenvironmental factors considered for this study are lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, distance from faults, land use, distance from streams, and geotechnical parameters. A thematic layer map is generated for every geoenvironmental factor using Geographic Information System (GIS); the lithological units and the distance from faults maps were extracted from the geological database of the region. The slope gradient, slope aspect, and distance from streams were calculated from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Contemporary land use map was derived from satellite images and field study. Concerning the geotechnical parameters maps, they were determined making use of the geotechnical data from laboratory tests. The analysis of the relationships between the landslide-related factors and the landslide events was then carried out in GIS environment. The AUC plot showed that the susceptibility maps had a success rate of 77 and 66% for IV and AHP models, respectively. For that purpose, the IV model is better in predicting the occurrence of landslides than AHP one. Therefore, the information value method could be used as a landslide susceptibility mapping zonation method along other sections of the A1 highway.
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