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Geochronological Study of Caledonian Granulite and High-Pressure Gneiss in the Dabie Mountains
Authors:YANG Weiran China University ofGeosciences  Wuhan  Hubei  JIAN Ping Yichang Institute of Geology  Mineral Resources  CAGS  Yichang  Hubei
Abstract:Using the single-zircon evaporation technique and U-Pb method, the authors have conducted an isotope geochonological study of the Huilanshan granulite and Shima garnet-bearing plagioclase gneiss (" country rocks" of the Shima eclogite) in the Dabie Mountains. The study shows that these rocks have peak metamorphic ages of 443-455 Ma, which are essentially consistent with that of the Caledonian high-ultrahigh pressure eclogites. This indicates the existence of the Caledonian collisional orogeny in the Dabie Mountains.
Keywords:Dabie Mountains   Caledonian   granulite   high-pressure gneiss   isotope chronology
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