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引用本文:伏拉季米尔·谢尔盖耶维奇·吉库诺夫. 俄罗斯可持续发展地图集信息系统——现状和应用前景[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2003, 5(3): 112-117
作者单位:以罗蒙诺索夫命名的莫斯科国立大学地理系, 119992, МГУ, 麻雀山, 莫斯科
摘    要:
分析了人类发展向可持续发展模式过渡的必然性 ,指出必须适合俄罗斯现实的人类发展指标。阐述周围环境及确定俄罗斯达到可持续发展途径及可能的指标 ,强调在建立国土可持续发展模式时历史观点的重要性。分析了俄罗斯可持续发展地图集结构的特征。

关 键 词:俄罗斯  可持续发展  地图集  信息系统  

Atlas Information System "Sustainable Development of Russia"
Vladimir S Tikunov. Atlas Information System "Sustainable Development of Russia"[J]. Geo-information Science, 2003, 5(3): 112-117
Authors:Vladimir S Tikunov
Affiliation:Faculty of Geography Moscow State University Moscow 119992 Russia
Inevitable transition to the models of sustainable development of the humankind is discussed A range of themes and indicators showing the possibility of sustainable development of Russia and the ways of its realisation is described It appears necessary to describe all thematic subjects within a hierarchical system from global to local level with due account to specific features of phenomena that should be represented at different scales Of particular importance is the temporal aspect of modelling the sustainable development of territories The structure of the Atlas of Sustainable Development of Russia is described Possible ways of the system application for the elaboration of scenarios for Russia and for the support of the teaching courses on the sustainable development of territories are discussed
Keywords:Russia   Sustainable development   Atlas   Information system
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