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Statistical analysis and tectonic interpretation of the remotely sensed lineament fabric data associated with the North Almora Thrust,Garhwal Himalaya,India
Authors:D. P. Kanungo  S. Sarkar  G. S. Mehrotra
Affiliation:1. Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, 247667, U.P.
A geostatistical analysis of the remotely-sensed lineament fabric data associated with the North Almora Thrust of Garhwal Himalaya has been carried out The analysis of data provided 18 major orientations of the lineament density girdles. Further statistical treatment of these derived lineaments using the method of analysts of directional data indicates that the lineaments can be classified into genetic groups. The result indicates that the North Almora Thrust and Kaliasaur Fault are not genetically related and occurred in separate phases of tectonic activities. The results also show that the Alaknanda river is flowing through a tectonically-controlled valley. The study suggests the suitability of statistical methods in lineament-fabric-data analysis for tectonic interpretations.
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