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Preflow stresses in Martian rampart ejecta blankets: A means of estimating the water content
Authors:Alex Woronow
Affiliation:Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA
Abstract:Measurements of extents of rampart ejecta deposits as a function of the size of the parent craters support models which, for craters larger than about 6 km diameter, constrain ejecta blankets to all have a similar maximum thickness regardless of the crater size. These volatile-rich ejecta blankets may have failed under their own weights, then flowed radially outward. Assuming this to be so, we can then determine some of the physicomechanical properties of the ejecta deposits at the time of their emplacement. Finite-element studies of the stress magnitudes, distributions, and directions in hypothetical Martian rampart ejecta blankets reveal that the material most likely failed when the shear stresses were less than 500 kPa and the angle of internal friction was between 26 and 36°. These figures imply that the ejecta has a water content between 16 and 72%. Whether the upper limit or the lower limit is more appropriate depends on the mode of failure which one presumes; namely, viscous flow or plastic deformation.
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