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A hybrid discrete-continuum approach to model hydro-mechanical behaviour of jointed rocks
Authors:Lingli Wei  John A. Hudson

aGolder Associates (U.K.) Ltd, Landmere Lane, Edwalton, Nottingham , NG12 4DG,UK

bRock Engineering Consultants, 7 The Quadrangle, Welwyn Garden City, Herts , AL8 6SG,UK

Abstract:A hybrid discrete-continuum approach has been presented in this paper to simulate water flow in the near and far fields of deformable fractured rocks. In the near field, the discrete model is used; while in the far field, the equivalent continuum model is employed. The discrete element method (with the static relaxation algorithm) is used in the near field and the boundary integral equation method in the far field. Along the interface of these two domains, both mechanical and hydraulic compatibility conditions are satisfied. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical analysis can be conducted in the combined near and far fields. Application to a dam foundation problem has demonstrated the capability of the developed approach.
Keywords:Numerical modelling   Discrete modelling   Continuum modelling   Flow Stress   Jointed rock
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