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Multidimensional indexing tools for the virtual observatory
Authors:I. Csabai,L. Dobos,M. Trencsé  ni,G. Herczegh,P. Jó  zsa,N. Purger,T. Budavá  ri,A.S. Szalay
Abstract:The last decade has seen a dramatic change in the way astronomy is carried out. The dawn of the the new microelectronic devices, like CCDs has dramatically extended the amount of observed data. Large, in some cases all sky surveys emerged in almost all the wavelength ranges of the observable spectrum of electromagnetic waves. This large amount of data has to be organized, published electronically and a new style of data retrieval is essential to exploit all the hidden information in the multiwavelength data. Many statistical algorithms required for these tasks run reasonably fast when using small sets of in‐memory data, but take noticeable performance hits when operating on large databases that do not fit into memory. We utilize new software technologies to develop and evaluate fast multidimensional indexing schemes that inherently follow the underlying, highly non‐uniform distribution of the data: they are layered uniform indices, hierarchical binary space partitioning, and sampled flat Voronoi tessellation of the data. These techniques can dramatically speed up operations such as finding similar objects by example, classifying objects or comparing extensive simulation sets with observations. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Keywords:astronomical databases: miscellaneous  methods: data analysis
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