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Effects of Young's modulus on fault displacement
Authors:Agust Gudmundsson
Affiliation:Department of Structural Geology and Geodynamics, Geoscience Centre, University of Göttingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Abstract:Elastic crack models predict a linear relationship between displacement (u) and rupture (trace) length (L) during slip in a fault zone. Attempts to find universal-scaling laws for L/u, however, have generally failed. Here I propose that these attempts have failed because they do not take into account the changes in the mechanical properties, in particular Young's modulus (stiffness), of the fault zone as it evolves. I propose that Young's modulus affects fault displacement both spatially and temporally: spatially when the trace of a fault at a given time dissects host rocks of different stiffnesses, and temporally when the stiffness of the fault zone itself changes. During the evolution of an active fault zone, the effective Young's modulus of its damage zone and fault core normally decreases, and so does the L/u ratio of the fault. By contrast, during inactive periods sealing and healing of the damage zone and core may increase the stiffness, hence the L/u ratio in subsequent slips. This model predicts that not only will the scaling of L/u within a given fault population vary in space and time, but also that of individual faults. To cite this article: A. Gudmundsson, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).
Keywords:fault displacement  fault scaling  Young's modulus  fault evolution  déplacement de faille  écaillage de faille  module de Young  évolution de faille
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