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A high-velocity ionized outflow and XUV photosphere in the narrow emission line quasar PG1211+143
Authors:K. A. Pounds  J. N. Reeves  A. R. King  K. L. Page  P. T. O'Brien   M. J. L. Turner
Affiliation:Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH;Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Abstract:We report on the analysis of a ∼60-ks XMM–Newton observation of the bright, narrow emission line quasar PG1211+143. Absorption lines are seen in both European Photon Imaging Camera and Reflection Grating Spectrometer spectra corresponding to H- and He-like ions of Fe, S, Mg, Ne, O, N and C. The observed line energies indicate an ionized outflow velocity of ∼24 000 km s−1. The highest energy lines require a column density of   N H∼ 5 × 1023 cm−2  , at an ionization parameter of  log ξ∼ 3.4  . If the origin of this high-velocity outflow lies in matter being driven from the inner disc, then the flow is likely to be optically thick within a radius of ∼130 Schwarzschild radii, providing a natural explanation for the big blue bump (and strong soft X-ray) emission in PG1211+143.
Keywords:galaxies: active    galaxies: general    galaxies: individual: PG1211+143    galaxies: Seyfert    X-rays: galaxies
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