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Mineral assemblages of the Francisco I. Madero Zn–Cu–Pb–(Ag) deposit, Zacatecas, Mexico: Implications for ore deposit genesis
Authors:Carles Canet, Antoni Camprubí  , Eduardo Gonz  lez-Partida, Carlos Linares, Pura Alfonso, Fernando Pi  eiro-Fern  ndez,Rosa Marí  a Prol-Ledesma
Affiliation:Carles Canet, Antoni Camprubí, Eduardo González-Partida, Carlos Linares, Pura Alfonso, Fernando Piñeiro-Fernández,Rosa María Prol-Ledesma
The Francisco I. Madero deposit, central Mexico, occurs in the Mesozoic Guerrero Terrane, which hosts many ore deposits, both Cretaceous (volcanogenic massive sulfides) and Tertiary (epithermal and skarn deposits). It is hosted by a 600 m-thick calcareous-pelitic unit, of Lower Cretaceous age, crosscut by porphyritic dikes that strike NW–SE. A thick felsic volcanic Tertiary sequence, consisting of andesites and rhyolitic ignimbrites, unconformably overlies the Cretaceous series. At the base, the mineralization consists of several mantos developed within calcareous beds. They are dominantly composed of sphalerite, pyrrhotite and pyrite with minor chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and galena. At the top of the orebody, there are calcic skarns formed through prograde and retrograde stages. The resulting mineral assemblages are rich in manganoan hedenbergite (Hd75–28Di40–4Jh40–20), andraditic garnets (Adr100–62Grs38–0), epidote (Ep95–36Czo60–5Pie8–0), chamosite, calcite and quartz. The temperature of ore deposition, estimated by chlorite and arsenopyrite geothermometry, ranges from 243° to 277 °C and from 300° to 340 °C, respectively. The pressure estimated from sphalerite geobarometry averages 2.1 kbar. This value corresponds to a moderately deep skarn and agrees with the high Cu content of the deposit. Paragenesis, PT conditions and geological characteristics are compatible with a distal, dike-related, Zn skarn deposit. Its style of mineralization is similar to that of many high-temperature carbonate replacement skarn deposits in the Southern Cordillera.
Keywords:Skarn   Massive sulfides   Geothermobarometry   Mineral chemistry   Guerrero Terrane   North American Cordillera
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