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Field velocity resistivity probe for estimating stiffness and void ratio
Authors:Hyung-Koo Yoon  Jong-Sub Lee
Affiliation:School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701, Republic of Korea
Elastic and electromagnetic waves are commonly used to investigate various soil characteristics. The goal of this study is to estimate the elastic moduli and the void ratio based on both the compressional and shear wave velocities, and the electrical resistivity measured by field velocity resistivity probe (FVRP). The compressional and shear waves are measured by piezoelectric disk elements and bender elements installed at the end of the FVRP frame tip. The electrical resistivity is determined by the electrical resistivity probe installed at the tip of the FVRP frame. The FVRP tests are carried out in a clay–sand mixture prepared in a calibration chamber and in silty sand to silty clay soils in the field. The elastic waves and electrical resistivity are measured at every 1 cm. The field tests are carried out at a depth of 6–20 m, at 10 cm intervals, at the Southern coastal area of the Korean peninsula. The measured data are converted into the constraint and shear moduli based on the elastic waves. Void ratios are evaluated based on the elastic wave velocities and the electrical resistivity, and these void ratios match the volumetric void ratio well. This study suggests that the FVRP may effectively determine the elastic moduli and void ratio.
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