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Geography at the Kindergarten Level: Report of a Study

The study involved an evaluation of a conceptual geography unit intended for use at the kindergarten level. Unit appropriateness was assessed on the basis of pupil success and teacher usability. Pupil success was evaluated by examining the variances in achievement and learning gains that existed among pupil groups based on sex, race, socio-economic status, and pretesting. Variances among pupil groups based on race and socio-economic status were statistically significant. Teacher usability was evaluated by examining the variances in achievement and learning gains that existed among pupil groups based on teacher background in geography, experience with the unit, teacher perception of the overall appropriateness of the unit, and appropriateness of the unit at the kindergarten level. Variances among pupil groups based on all teacher variables except geography background were statistically significant. In all cases, learning gains were significant. The main hypothesis that the unit was appropriate for use at the kindergarten level was not rejected.
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