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Modification of sediment characteristics during glacial transport in high-alpine catchments: Mount Cook area, New Zealand
Affiliation:(e-mail: ), Centre for Glaciology, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DB, UK;(e-mail: ), Institut für Geophysik und Geologie, Universität Leipzig, Talstraße 35, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Abstract:The Mount Cook area in the Southern Alps of New Zealand is heavily glacierized with numerous peaks over 3000 m a.s.l. feeding several large valley glaciers. The region is subject to rapid tectonic uplift and heavy precipitation (up to 15 m per year). This paper describes the clast roundness, clast shape and textural characteristics associated with five glaciers (Fox, Franz Josef, Hooker, Mueller and Tasman) in terms of inputs to the glacier system, transport by the glaciers and reworking following glacial deposition. Inputs include rockfall, alluvial fan and avalanche material delivered to the surface of valley glaciers. Basal debris, where observed at the terminus of two glaciers, consists mainly of incorporated fluvial material. Following deposition, reworking is mainly by subglacial and proglacial streams. The dominant facies are (i) boulder gravel with mainly angular clasts on the steep slopes above the glaciers, (ii) sandy boulder gravel, with mainly angular and subangular clasts, forming lateral and end moraines, and (iii) sandy boulder/cobble gravel with mainly subrounded clasts, and sand, which represent glacially transported sediment reworked by braided rivers. Diamicton is rare in the contemporary glacial environment. Since most sediment associated with glaciers in the Southern Alps lacks unambiguous indications of glacial transport, interpretation of similar sediments in the geological record should not necessarily exclude the involvement of glacial processes.
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