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Chromospheric Height and Density Measurements in a Solar Flare Observed with RHESSI – II. Data Analysis
Authors:Aschwanden  Markus J.  Brown  John C.  Kontar  Eduard P.
Affiliation:(1) Solar & Astrophysics Laboratory, Department L9-41, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, Bldg. 252, 3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA, 94304, U.S.A.;(2) Astronomy and Astrophysics Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, U.K.
Abstract:We present an analysis of hard X-ray imaging observations from one of the first solar flares observed with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) spacecraft, launched on 5 February 2002. The data were obtained from the 22 February 2002, 11:06 UT flare, which occurred close to the northwest limb. Thanks to the high energy resolution of the germanium-cooled hard X-ray detectors on RHESSI we can measure the flare source positions with a high accuracy as a function of energy. Using a forward-fitting algorithm for image reconstruction, we find a systematic decrease in the altitudes of the source centroids z(ε) as a function of increasing hard X-ray energy ε, as expected in the thick-target bremsstrahlung model of Brown. The altitude of hard X-ray emission as a function of photon energy ε can be characterized by a power-law function in the ε=15–50 keV energy range, viz., z(ε)≈2.3(ε/20 keV)−1.3 Mm. Based on a purely collisional 1-D thick-target model, this height dependence can be inverted into a chromospheric density model n(z), as derived in Paper I, which follows the power-law function n e(z)=1.25×1013(z/1 Mm)−2.5 cm−3. This density is comparable with models based on optical/UV spectrometry in the chromospheric height range of h≲1000 km, suggesting that the collisional thick-target model is a reasonable first approximation to hard X-ray footpoint sources. At h≈1000–2500 km, the hard X-ray based density model, however, is more consistent with the `spicular extended-chromosphere model' inferred from radio sub-mm observations, than with standard models based on hydrostatic equilibrium. At coronal heights, h≈2.5–12.4 Mm, the average flare loop density inferred from RHESSI is comparable with values from hydrodynamic simulations of flare chromospheric evaporation, soft X-ray, and radio-based measurements, but below the upper limits set by filling-factor insensitive iron line pairs.
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