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Spatiotemporal evolution of surface urban heat islands:Concerns regarding summer heat wave periods
Affiliation:1.School of Humanities and Law,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110169,China;2.School of Humanities and Law,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110169,China;Human Settlements Research Center,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,Liaoning,China;Jangho Architecture College,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110169,China;3.Lhasa Plateau Ecosystem Research Station,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Re-search,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;4.Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology,Center for Earth Observation and Modeling,University of Oklahoma,Norman,OK 73019,USA;5.School of Earth and Planetary Sciences(EPS),Curtin University,Perth 65630,Australia;6.Human Settlements Research Center,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,Liaoning,China
Abstract:Many cities face heat wave(HW)events,combined with the existent surface urban heat island(SUHI)effects.This places pressure on human settlements and sustainable de-velopment.However,few studies have investigated the SUHI effects from the perspective of HWs.In this study,the summer HWs in Beijing from 2001 to 2021 were calculated,and the evolution of HWs and SUHIs was quantitatively analyzed based on the dynamic nature of the urban-rural boundary.Beijing experienced 27 HWs in the 21 years,including 10 instances in June,four in July,and 13 in August.The SUHI varied during HWs,between 2-3℃ in most years.The highest SUHI occurred in 2019,reaching 3.99℃ and covering the largest area(10,887 km2).The fluctuation in HWs and SUHIs generally displayed the same spatiotemporal pattern,and HWs amplified the SUHIs to a certain extent,with the highest correlation coeffi-cient being 0.44.Additionally,impervious surfaces and cropland contributed most to SUHIs,and night light enhanced SUHIs.Observing the co-evolution of HWs and SUHIs will be helpful for ecological maintenance and urban infrastructure optimization and provide theoretical support for reducing heat risk and improving the human settlement environment.
Keywords:heat wave  surface urban heat island  interactive Self-organization algorithm  centroid migration  Beijing
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