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Abstract:Books Reviewed in this article: Lob Trees in the Wilderness . Clifford and Isabel Ahlgren . Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing . T. D. Allan , ed. Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth Since World War II . Richard M. Bernard and Bradley R. Rice , eds. Legacy of Minneapolis: Preservation Amid Change . John R. Borchert , David Gebhard , David Lanegran , and Judith A. Martin . Bloomington, MN: Preparing a Historic Preservation Ordinance. Richard J. Roddewig . The Mountains of Northeastern Tasmania, A Study of Alpine Geomorphology . Nel Caine . Introductory Cartography . John Campbell . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Changing Climate . Manual of Remote Sensing, Second Edition . 2 Vols. Robert N. Colwell , ed.-in-chief; David S. Simonett and John E. Estes , vol. eds. Remote Sensing in Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology . A. P. Cracknell , ed. Multidimensional Scaling . Mark L. Davison . Environmental Karst . Percy H. Dougherty , ed. The Urban Environment . Ian Douglas . Geomorphology of Europe . Clifford Embleton , ed. An Introduction to South Asia . B. H. Farmer . Great Geological Controversies . A. Hallam . Hazardous Waste Management: In Whose Backyard? Michalann Harthill , ed. Energy for Subsistence . Margaret Haswell . Perspective on Ratzel's Political Geography . James M. Hunter . Economic Deposits and their Tectonic Setting . Charles S. Hutchison . Energy Risk Assessment . Herbert Inhaber . Discovering the Vernacular Landscape . John Brinckerhoff Jackson . Climate and Energy Systems: A Review of Their Interactions . Jill Jäger . Dilemmas in Regional Policy . Antoni Kuklinski and J. G. Lambooy , eds. California Farmland: A History of Large Agricultural Landholdings . Ellen Liebman . The Spatial Organization of New Land Settlement in Latin America . Jacob O. Maos . Dark Continent: Africa as Seen by Americans . Michael McCarthy . Westport, CT: Climatology: An Introduction . John E. Oliver and John J. Hidore . Columbus, OH: The Geography of Warfare . Patrick O'Sullivan and Jesse W. Miller . The Expanding City. Essays in Honour of Professor Jean Gottmann . John Patten , ed. Scotland's Environment During the Last 30,000 Years . Robert J. Price . Integrated Urban Models . S. H. Putman . Development and the Environmental Crisis: Red or Green Alternatives? Michael Redclift .
Keywords:wilderness  ecology  land use history  Minnesota  recreation  human influences on ecosystems  oceanography  Seasat  microwave remote sensing  Sunbelt  contemporary urbanization  American city  urban growth  historic preservation  urban history  cityscape  building cycle  preservation ordinance  alpine  mountains  Tasmania  geomorphology  weathering  blockfields  cartography text  projections  large-scale mapping  production  greenhouse effect  carbon dioxide  sea levels  streamflow  agriculture  remote sensing  remote sensing applications  remote sensing instrumentation  remote sensing theory  surveying and monitoring  mapping and classification  European remote sensing  digital imaging  hydrology  meteorology  multidimensional scaling  statistics  psychology  karst  karst environment  caves and sinkholes  speleology  carbonate terrain  urban geography  applied physical geography  environmental studies  Regional  Historical and Structural Geomorphology: Europe  South Asia  modern history  economic development  geological controversies  hypotheses  earth age  continental drift  hazardous waste  nuclear  chemicals  sites  human energetics  tropical agro-ecosystems  subsistence agriculture  Ratzel  political geography  geopolitik  geographic thought  economic geology  plate tectonics  mineral resources  risk assessment  nuclear  nonconventional energy systems  essays  Jackson  landscape  theory  vernacular  climate change  energy systems  carbon dioxide  regional policy  regional planning  regional series  regional dilemmas  Polish/Dutch comparative studies  United Nations/UNRISD  California  agriculture  land use  Latin America  Israel  colonization  planned settlements  climatology  weather and climate  atmospheric science  geography of warfare  tactics  strategy  geopolitics  Gottmann  festschrift  urban growth and relationships  Scottish quaternary studies  glacial events  sea level changes  spatial interaction  location theory  trip assignment  policy assessment  urban growth  and parameter estimation  environmentalism  development  conservation  Third World
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