Abstract: | Abstract— Chondrules in the Bali-like CV chondrite Kaba and the Allende-like portion of the Mokoia breccia have been studied to explore the relationship between hydrous alteration to form phyllosilicates and anhydrous alteration resulting in secondary olivine zonation, replacement of enstatite by ferroan olivine and formation of feldspathoids (nepheline and sodalite). All Kaba chondrules experienced extensive hydrous alteration; whereas, anhydrous alteration was minor and resulted only in the olivine zonation. On the other hand, all of the Mokoia chondrules experienced both extensive anhydrous and hydrous alteration. Bronzite rims formed between relic enstatite grains and phyllosilicates in both Kaba and Mokoia during the hydrous alteration. Petrographic observations indicate that phyllosilicates in Mokoia postdate formation of the secondary ferroan olivine and feldspathoids. We conclude that anhydrous alteration in Kaba and Mokoia predated hydrous alteration and took place before accretion of chondrules into the CV parent asteroid. |