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The use of bioluminescent dinoflagellates as an environmental risk assessment tool
Authors:Lapota David  Osorio Alexandra Robayo  Liao Connie  Bjorndal Bryan

aSpace and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego, Environmental Sciences, Code 2375, 53475 Strothe Road, San Diego, CA 92152-6310, USA

bAssure Controls, Inc., 5900 La Place Court, Suite 107, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA

A novel toxicity method to determine sublethal and lethal effects of manmade contaminants on the bioluminescence output from marine dinoflagellates has been developed and tested over the course of 16 years. The toxicity system, QwikLite™, was developed for the sole purpose of evaluating the potential toxicity of various materials used in bay sediments, storm water discharges, industrial discharges from Naval facilities, and antifoulant paints. Bioluminescence inhibition was observed in the following dinoflagellates: Lingulodinium polyedrum (formerly known as Gonyaulax polyedra), Ceratocorys horrida, Pyrocystis noctiluca, Pyrocystis lunula, Pyrocystis fusiformis, and Pyrophacus steinii. Cultured cells were exposed to various concentrations of contaminants from hours through 10 days. Further application with bioluminescent dinoflagellates in a variety of toxicity testing schemes have shown that these species can be used as a screening assay organism in lieu of the more costly, labor intensive bioassays presently in use.
Keywords:Bioluminescence   Dinoflagellates   Toxicity   QwikLite™   Laboratory plankton test chamber
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