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呼伦贝尔沙地沙丘砂来源的定量分析— 逐步判别分析(SDA)在粒度分析方面的应用
引用本文:韩广,张桂芳,杨文斌. 呼伦贝尔沙地沙丘砂来源的定量分析— 逐步判别分析(SDA)在粒度分析方面的应用[J]. 地理学报, 2004, 14(2): 177-186
作者姓名:韩广  张桂芳  杨文斌
作者单位:1. 湖南师范大学资源环境科学学院,长沙,410081
2. 湖南大学土木工程学院,长沙,410082
3. 内蒙古林业科学研究院,呼和浩特,010014
摘    要:以呼伦贝尔沙地砂物质的粒度分析资料为基础,利用两组间的逐步判别分析(SDA) 来筛选决定不同沉积物间差异的主导因子,根据主导因子的个数、Mahalanobis距离D2、通过统计学检验的信度琢等3个因素,来定量地确定两个总体间的相似性大小。分析结果表明:呼伦贝尔沙地的风成沙丘砂主要来源于海拉尔组砂(Q3),但河流冲积砂和古土壤也有不可忽视的作用;在嵯岗镇附近及其以西的海拉尔河下游宽阔河谷中,自然条件下河流冲积砂也可以成为风成沙丘砂的主要沙源。

关 键 词:内蒙古呼伦贝尔  粒度分析  逐步判别分析  沙丘砂  海拉尔组砂  河流冲积砂

A quantitative analysis on the sources of dune sand in the Hulun Buir Sandy Land: application of stepwise discriminant analysis(SDA)to the granulometric data
HAN Guang,ZHANG Guifang,YANG Wenbin. A quantitative analysis on the sources of dune sand in the Hulun Buir Sandy Land: application of stepwise discriminant analysis(SDA)to the granulometric data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 14(2): 177-186
Authors:HAN Guang  ZHANG Guifang  YANG Wenbin
Affiliation:1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China;
2. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;
3. Forestry Academy of Inner Mongolia, Huhhot 010010, China
Abstract:Quantitatively determining the sources of dune sand is one of the problems necessarily and urgently to be solved in aeolian landforms and desertification research. Based on the granulometric data of sand materials from the Hulun Buir Sandy Land, the paper employs the stepwise discriminant analysis technique (SDA) for two groups to select the principal factors determining the differences between surface loose sediments. The extent of similarity between two statistical populations can be described quantitatively by three factors such as the number of principal variables, Mahalanobis distance D2 and confidence level α for F-test. Results reveal that: 1) Aeolian dune sand in the region mainly derives from Hailar Formation (Q3), while fluvial sand and palaeosol also supply partially source sand for dunes; and 2) in the vicinity of Cuogang Town and west of the broad valley of the lower reaches of Hailar River, fluvial sand can naturally become principal supplier for dune sand.
Keywords:Hulun Buir Sandy Land  granulometric analysis  stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA)  dune sand  Hailar Formation  fluvial sand sediments
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