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引用本文:杨威 王清华. 塔里木盆地和田河气田下奥陶统白云岩成因[J]. 沉积学报, 2000, 18(4): 544-548
作者姓名:杨威 王清华
作者单位:1.石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院天然气地质所,河北廊坊 065007;
摘    要:塔里木盆地和田河气田是最近探明的大型碳酸盐岩气田,下奥陶统主要发育两类白云岩。下部为层状白云岩,以细晶为主,阴极发光呈紫红色和蓝紫色,有序度为0.57~0.68,Sr、Na含量低,碳氧同位素偏负,成岩深度约1500m;上部斑状灰质白云岩与层状白云岩相比,晶形较粗、以中晶为主,有序度较高、为0.85~0.90,Sr偏高、Na偏低,碳氧同位素更偏负,成岩深度约2000m。通过对上述特征综合研究,认为层状白云岩形成于早期浅埋藏海水-淡水混合环境,提出斑状灰质白云岩形成于晚期深埋藏压实流-淡水混合环境,总结了两种成因机理,建立了相关的白云石化模式。

关 键 词:塔里木盆地下奥陶统白云岩特征白云石成因模式

Dolomite Origin of Lower Ordovician in Hetian River Gas Field, Tarim Basin
YANG Wei WANG Qin hua LIU Xiao zhen. Dolomite Origin of Lower Ordovician in Hetian River Gas Field, Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(4): 544-548
Authors:YANG Wei WANG Qin hua LIU Xiao zhen
Affiliation:1.Petroleum Geology, Gas Department Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development Langfang Branch,Langfang Hebei 065007
Abstract:The Hetian river gas field is a new and large gas field inMazatage fault belt of Tarim basin. Ordovician carbonate rock is principal production formation. Lower Ordovician is characterized by developed dolomitization which can greatly improve reservoir property. There are two types of dolomite in Lower Ordovician. The bedded dolomite is in lower part. Their features is fine-crystal, cathodolaminescence of violet-red and blue-violet, degree of order 0. 57~0.68, low Sr and Na content, and negative carbon oxygen isotope value, implying that the bedded dolomite was formed in environment of early shallow-buffed fresh water and seawater mixing. On the contrary the upper part patch calcareous dolomite is medium-crystal, degree of order 0.85~0.90, high-Sr content , low-Na content, and more negative value carbon oxygen isotope indicating that the patch dolomites was formed in environment of late deep-buried compaction flow and fresh water mixing. The bedded dolomite was formed in an environment of restricted platform, where water was confined and salinity was high. There was porous water of high salinity with high Mg/Ca in intergranular pore of orginal sediment. It has much higher carbon oxygen isotope value and trace element contents than normal seawater. During burial, there was a lot of fresh water down from east-northern Tabei old-land along slope to this area. Fresh water and porous seawater with high salinity will be mixed in sediment, resulting in the dilution of pore water salinity, value of carbon oxygen isotope and trace element will decrease. But the Mg/Ca ratio will keep unchanged. So dolomitization will take place. Late Ordovician in Mazatage fault belt is open platform facies. Salinity of seawater is normal. Over lower Ordovician sediment is mainly mud limestone and mud intercalation limestone. When mud limestone was buried over 2 000 m, montmorillonite in clay mineral transferred to illite. A lot of ion of Sr, Fe, Ca, Mg and so on came into pore fluid. Because of gravity, pore-fluid will flow downwards from Tabei old-land along the Sajingzi fault. Two types of flow mixed in grain limestone of upper lower Ordovician. CaMg(CO3)2 was over saturation . Patch calcareous dolomite will be formed. Two types of dolomitization can be formed in mixed water, but the Mg ion sources are different. The later is aspecial genetic model.
Keywords:Tarim Basin Lower Ordovician dolomite dolomite origin
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