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Radioactive and trace element distribution in basaltic rocks of Lower Silesia
Authors:Vladimír Kropáček  Věra Vaňková  Reviewer J. Fiala
Affiliation:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Summary The distribution of radioactive(Th, U, K) and selected trace(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) elements in volcanic rocks from the Opole and Jawor regions of the Lower Silesia has been studied. The behaviour of these elements in the studied rocks indicates that the Lower Silesian volcanic rocks are characterized by less differentiated type than other volcanic rocks of the Bohemian Massif, the Opole rock types probably having a less differentiated character than the Jawor rock types.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Icyscyscylcyiecy¶rt;ocyvcyalcyocyscysoftcy rcyascynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyiecyncyuiecy rcya¶rt;uocyakcymuvcyncyycykhcy(Th, U, K) u ncyiecykcyocymocyrcyycykhcy rcyiecy¶rt;kcyukhcy(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) ecylcyiecymcyiecyncymocyvcy vcy vcyucylcykcyancyuchcyiecyscykcyukhcy nocyrcyocy¶rt;akhcy ocybcylcyascymiecyubreve Ocynocylcyiecy u YAcyvcyocyrcy Ncyuzhcyncyiecyubreve Scyulcyiecyzcyuu. Ncya ocyscyncyocyvcyiecy nocylcyucychcyiecyncyncyycykhcy rcyiecyzcyucylcysoftcymamocyvcy mcyocyzhcyncyocy nrcyiecy¶rt;nocylcyocyzhcyumsoftcy, chcymocy vcyucylcykcyancyumycy Ncyuzhcyncyiecyubreve Scyulcyiecyzcyuu nrcyiecy¶rt;scymavcylcyyacyyucym scyocy¶rt;ocyubreve mcyagcymcyamuchcyiecyscykcyuiecy nocyrcyocy¶rt;ycy scy bcyocylcyiecyiecy ncyuzcykcyocyubreve ¶rt;ufcyfcyiecyrcyiecyncytscyuatscyuiecyubreve, chcyiecymcy vcyucylcykcyancyumycy scyiecyvcyiecyrcyncyocyubreve u scyiecyvcyiecyrcyocyzcyana¶rt;ncyocyubreve CHcyiecykhcyuu. Tcyakcyumcy zhcyiecy ocybcyrcyazcyocymcy mcyocyzhcyncyocy nrcyiecy¶rt;nocylcyocyzhcyumsoftcy, chcymocy ucy vcyucylcykcyancyuchcyiecyscykcyukhcy nocyrcyocy¶rt; ocybcylcyascymu Ocynocylcyiecy ¶rt;ufcyfcyiecyrcyiecyncytscyuatscyuyacy makcyzhcyiecy bcyocylcyiecyiecy ncyuzcykcyayacy chcyiecymcy ucy nocyrcyocy¶rt; uzcy ocybcylcyascymu YAcyvcyocyrcy.
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